You can easily schedule your first appointment online by using the booking link below. You can also schedule by phone at 480-348-3925, or by email at [email protected], if that is preferable.
After scheduling your first appointment, you will receive an invitation to register in the Patient Portal. This will allow you to communicate with the provider, request appointments, upload documents, share lab results, and more.
Please complete the included questionnaires (Patient Details and New Patient Adult Intake or Pediatric Questionnaire), and sign all the consent forms sent to you electronically upon scheduling your appointment. All the requested information is important for understanding you, as a whole person, and will greatly aid in the evaluation of your health conditions. For this reason it’s important to be as thorough as possible with all intake documents.
Once you complete these forms, you can upload them on your Patient Portal, fax them in to 833-260-9330, or email them to [email protected]. You can also mail hardcopies to the office if that is easiest. Along with these forms, please provide any medical notes with your previous diagnoses, hospital discharge reports, as well as copies of your most recent labs and imaging from the past year.
All of the aforementioned documents should be submitted no later than 48 hours prior to your appointment to provide Dr. Persa time to review them and prepare. Failure to submit these documents will result in the appointment being cancelled. No exceptions! On the day of your visit, please arrive 10-15 minutes prior to your appointment time.
Your initial consultation with Dr. Persa typically lasts about 75 minutes, but it can last up to 90 minutes or more depending on the complexity and individual needs of the case. This is time spent "face to face" with the doctor. During the first visit, Dr. Persa will review your medical history with a focus on your current health concerns, and will discuss with you your personal health goals and treatment options. When appropriate, a focused physical exam will be performed. At the end of the first visit, Dr. Persa will recommend lab work (and sometimes imaging) that is necessary to fully understand your health condition.
Treatment recommendations are usually offered at the time of the first visit; however, a comprehensive and individualized treatment plan will be completed after the first follow-up visit based on your clinical presentation as well as the labs and imaging results.
The first follow-up visit is typically 2-3 weeks after the initial consultation, depending on the availability of the lab results. The first follow-up visit typically lasts between 45-60 minutes, depending on the number of lab results that need to be reviewed. During the first follow-up visit, the initial treatment plan will be reviewed, and a comprehensive and individualized treatment plan will be provided.
The second follow-up visit typically occurs 2 months after the first follow up visit (3 months from the initial consultation for those on hormone replacement therapy). During the second follow-up visit, the therapeutic progress will be reviewed as well as the need for any follow-up lab work. Not all the lab work recommended during the first visit will be repeated. Only the lab work necessary for monitoring progress will be repeated.
The next follow-up visits will be scheduled as necessary for monitoring prescriptions and progress.